Power Grid Corporation of India Limited

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Project Information

Dismantling and Disposal of One Lot of ICT (315MVA,400/220/33Kv,3-Phase Auto Transformer, BHEL make Mfg.year-2001) (excluding 3 nos. of 400 kV bushings, 3 nos. of 220 kV bushings, transformer oil & Aircell of conservator tank) along with its accessories
  • Client:Power Grid Corporation of India Limited
  • Location:Odisha
  • Year Completed:May-22
  • Sale Value:Rs.6.41 Crores

Power Grid Corporation of India Limited

Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, an Indian central public sector undertaking under the ownership of the Ministry of Power, Government of India, was incorporated on 23 October 1989. The power Grid transmits about 50% of the total power generated in India on its transmission network. It covers 90% of the country’s interstate and inter-regional electric power transmission system, and its business segments include Transmission, Consultancy, Telecom, and ULDC/ RLDC. It was conferred the status of “Navratna” by the Government of India in May 2008 and “Maharatna” in October 2019.

Symcom Exim recently completed a large professional project for their client, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, in Odisha. The project involved the dismantling and disposal of one lot of ICT (315MVA,400/220/33Kv,3-Phase Auto Transformer, BHEL make Mfg.year-2001) along with its accessories, excluding 3 nos. of 400 kV bushings, 3 nos. of 220 kV bushings, transformer oil & Aircell of conservator tank.

Project Details

  • Odisha
  • May-22
  • Sale Value: Rs.6.41 Crores

The scope of the project was extensive, requiring a high level of expertise and coordination to ensure the safe and efficient dismantling and disposal of the transformer and its accessories. The first step in the project involved a detailed analysis of the transformer and its accessories in determining the most efficient and safe dismantling methods. Symcom Exim’s team of experts assessed each item to develop a comprehensive plan for the dismantling and disposal process.

The dismantling process involved various techniques, including cutting, dismantling, and removing the transformer and its accessories. Symcom Exim’s team of experts utilized specialized equipment and tools, including cranes, hydraulic shears, and cutting torches, to ensure the dismantling process was conducted safely and efficiently. The transformer and its accessories were then transported to a secure disposal site in accordance with all applicable local and national regulations.

Throughout the project, Symcom Exim’s team of experts adhered to strict safety protocols and guidelines to ensure that the dismantling and disposal process was conducted with the utmost care and attention to detail. The project was completed within the given timeframe and budget, and all materials were disposed of safely and efficiently.

Symcom Exim’s project for Power Grid Corporation of India Limited was a major success. The project required high expertise and coordination to ensure the safe and efficient dismantling and disposal of the transformer and its accessories. Symcom Exim’s team of experts demonstrated high professionalism and expertise throughout the project, ensuring that Power Grid Corporation of India Limited’s needs was met with the utmost care and attention to detail.